The Dragoste Family
The family behind this magical cafe. Each person is different and special and we should not want it any other way!

Inkubi Dragoste
Calm and Collected typically, Always the busy body, This Fae is always trying to keep busy and innovate. They are shy for a King; but will approach when needed or called for.
- " if you love them, let them go. If they return, then its true." -Ink

Airi Aramil
Airi Aramil is one of the waiters, and event hosts of the Cafe, he seems like your average Viera however he is anything but that. He loves to care for and help his family, and friends in any way that he can. He is a very approachable and talkable person, feel free to come and talk to him, he is always open to hearing about daily adventures or exploration efforts across Eorzea.
-"No matter how divided we are or become, we will always be family." -Airi

Val Dragoste
Val Dragoste primarily works as service staff and fills in for other roles as required. She has a natural curiosity and is always eager to learn new things and hear interesting stories. She's an avid collector of precious relics and loves to talk about them, even wearing them at work when she can get away with it. What's the greatest treasure she's found? Her family.
-"Come on in! If you don't have a favorite seat yet, you will by the end of the night!" -Val

Misume Dragoste
Hailing as a Queen from another world; Misume is anything but her Au ra appearance. It takes trust, not from her, but from the family to get close to her. Outside and inside the venue, she's a mother of many. A heart full of gold, giving those to the less fortunate, offering her tailoring skills, and advice, Misume has an ear for listening to problems but spaces out if she's too overloaded with information. Her family is what keeps her alive and full of love; something she could never replace, for each one is irreplaceable.
-"Take every breath as if it were your last, for you never know when your eyes will open to the sun tomorrow." Misume